A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Hello, Warrior!

If you're looking for a game with extreme blood scenes, to relieve stress, and if you're a Doom or Quake fan, this game is for you. This game is a masterpiece as it includes anime girls. The game is not a full version as it is under development. There may be bugs in the game, they will be closed over time.


A-S-D-W :  Movement 

Left-Click : Shoot

Space : Jump

System Requirements and Information

The game has been developed at a level that can open even the worst devices.

You can contact us about all the bugs, suggestions and complaints you find in the game from the Discord section.  

Discord : ichuusy#2655 (If you don't find this account please write Solita#2655)


Eternal Hell.apk 105 MB
Eternal Hell.rar 75 MB

Install instructions

If your files is missing or something please re-install game.

You can unzip it and open it directly.

Development log


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We need you for the development of Eternal Hell

I developed this game when I was still a beginner in Unity, and at that time, I couldn't fully handle animations. I tried a simple procedural system to create at least a bit of a weapon hit feel. The reason for this explanation is that the game has high view and download rates, and I don't want to ruin the potential development of such a game. Therefore, I want to announce that I will be developing the game further. In doing so, I would like to get your feedback. Any ideas, suggestions, or complaints you have about what can be added or removed from the game can be communicated to me via our Discord address. We will make this game better. See (https://pykatone.itch.io/intricate-ops). Even though I developed this game on my own, I released it using my team's name. I will try to add the improved procedural systems and more mechanics to the game. If you want to support the development, advertising, design, fan art, or anything else related to the game, we are waiting for you on our Discord address. Of course, we don't just work here; we can also have a relaxing and fun chat with you while sipping our coffee. Thank you for reading. I greatly need your feedback. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/GKyTmmxZSX

I hope that the next version will have a bloody scene with headshots and severed limbs

I hope too but i will try to add.

very cool game!


Thanks for comment.